How it Works, Screen Shots

Request Screen

(Click image to enlarge) All searches performed are automatically stored in the system and are displayed on a dashboard. Users can navigate multiple searches, review reports or perform additional actions on any of the previous searches (deeper keyword searches, additional parameters to sort the data to their needs, etc.).

Search Screen

(Click to enlarge image) This screen demonstrates how a user can search for Complaints. The user can enter as much or as little information in the search screen and retrieve the results by clicking on “Get Data”. This function instantly sifts through the database and provides a detailed report, complete with highlighted keywords to allow

Complaints vs. Components

(Click to Enlarge) Drill down to manufacturer, make, model and finally to a detailed report. View data for any specific model year, or for all model years. Available for Complaints, Recalls and Investigations.

Complaints vs. Manufacturers

(Click to Enlarge) Drill down to manufacturer, make, model and finally to a detailed report. View data for any specific model year, or for all model years. Available for Complaints, Recalls and Investigations.

Report for Individual Search

(Click to Enlarge) Statistical Tabular report of distribution of recalls for manufacturers over model years Drill down to component, make, model and finally to a detailed report. Similar reports are available for Investigations and Complaints.

Complaint Rate Analysis

(Click to Enlarge) Comparison between various manufacturers and rate/100K. Available at following levels: Manufacturer Manufacturer/Make Manufacturer/Make/Model Manufacturer/Make/Model/Model Year

Proportion Analysis

(Click to Enlarge) This report evaluates on a probability basis: if the proportions of complaints measured on different make, models, components, etc., can be considered equivalent or significantly different. User is able to dynamically perform the proportional analysis for any component, or across all components. View various levels across manufacturer, make, model, or model year.
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