Staying Alert with Custom Alerts

Staying Alert with Custom Alerts

A manufacturer wanted to easily and proactively track any new complaints received by NHTSA for an issue of interest on a daily basis.

The Datrato Solution
Unfortunately, there was no simple way to have this information delivered, since NHTSA does not publish the list of new complaints on a daily basis. Additionally, NHTSA does not provide any functionality that allows the user to search for recent complaints lodged.

As a result, the only way to get this information on regular intervals was to create a system or process to perform the following functions on a daily basis: download the data from NHTSA, house the data, process the data, filter the data for keywords, and create a customizable reporting mechanism. This would be a very significant investment in time, money and resources for any company to undertake.

…that is, if Datrato didn’t already do all of this for them.

Results: Datrato Pushes Custom Alerts
Datrato provides a custom alert service that automatically sends out a daily email to designated users, providing a link to the detailed reports and trends found each day. It allows the user to graphically see how the data has been accumulated over a set period of time. For example, it can tell a designated recipient how many complaints have been filed over a given period of time. The user can then drill down on the information to see complaints for that specific period. All of the information is automatically processed by the Datrato system and delivered directly to the customer in a completely automated and user-friendly manner. There is even the ability to set up multiple alerts for multiple issues, so one or more user(s) can be notified.

Figure 1: Daily Email Send by the System

Figure 2: Distribution Report by Date Added

Being able to receive automated emails, directly to any designated user, saves not only time and money, it allows for nearly immediate access to critical and often urgent information…and it’s as easy as opening an email.



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